We all about making toilets sexy!

Saving water and paper and being eco-warriors at the same time.

Our Mission

Hi! We’re Booti Wash: an ecosystem brand on a mission to use less toilet paper. Using our product you will consume 75% less toilet paper, saving our forests and producing less landfill. Our goal is to reshape the western consumer mindset. A clean butt is a sexy booti. Save paper, save water, save our environment.

Our Principles

We only make one product, (butt) do it well. Since day one, our mission has been to consume less.

Did you know?

Americans use over 35 million toilet rolls every single day. By using Booti Wash instead you can reduce this consumption by 75%. The average American uses 55.5 gallons of water to flush so much paper down the toilet. Booti Wash uses only 1.3 gallons of water in the same time. The average person uses 1.5 rolls of paper each week, which takes 37 gallons of water to make. By swapping the products we use daily to a paper free alternative, its easier than ever to cut down on individual waste, creating a more liveable future for us all.

Promote buying what you need

Buying in excess won't help climate change, but reducing our reliance on toilet paper and personal waste will. That’s where we come in. At Booti Wash you can find an alternative way to clean your (doo) starting on day one by reducing paper waste. By making small, but meaningful lifestyle changes, we can all live more sustainably and responsibly and gradually reduce our destructive environmental footprint.

Add value through education

We believe that education is the foundation of positive impact and every piece of content we put out should add value and inspire action. We share Zero Waste inspiration, environmental education and everyday tips that are powerful tools for creating positive environmental impact.

Give back

For every Booti Wash purchased we help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.

Constantly improve

The more we learn, the more we grow. We commit to listen, learn, hold ourselves accountable and be and do the best we can – our planet depends on it.